Big Sky Free Press


Great Barrington Declaration As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-1984 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection you can Sign the Petition Here        940,000+ Signatures

   Covid Archive   a few thoughts, and some of the Treatments & Providers, Vaccines, Detox,  Articles & Videos, Geopolitics & Timeline are below;  

( I have watched or read all of this info) the latest 7 articles are here then are placed below most going below the vax graphs just below the Africa graph;   

          OMG: REPLICON VAX & THE EXTERMINATION AGENDA - Dr. Daniel Nagase  44  min. 

          RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! and How to Treat It -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea  52  min.  at least watch from 26:30 for a few min.

          FDA Knowingly Authorized Deadly Bioweapons MPOX Research on US Military Personnel and Then Ignored Life-Threatening Results and Approved the Monkeypox Vaccine 31 min.

          Recent Study Shows Self-Assembly Nanobots in the COVID-19 Injectables  4  min..

          Dr. David Martin Drops The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet & Lays Out A Path To Victory Against The Biological Terrorists 56 min

          NICOTINE Can Remove Vaccine Nanotechnology  19  min.

          42x increase in Excess Deaths among Children in Europe recorded since COVID Jab was “approved” for Children compared to Pre-Jab levels  

          PART 2. Semen Growing Bots TWO YEARs After Covid Vax: Dr. Jane Ruby:   28  min.


Just released power point presentation Sept. 2023 DR DAVID MARTIN: TIME TO DESTROY THE WHO   31  min.

DR DAVID E. MARTIN PHD - COVID SUMMIT - EUROPEAN UNION PARLIAMENT MAY 2023   21  min. viewed over a Billion times on various platforms CV-1984 began in the 1960's

if the rumble version is blocked here is another platform; DR DAVID E. MARTIN PHD - COVID SUMMIT - EUROPEAN UNION PARLIAMENT MAY 2023  21  min.

Over a Billion Views in the East, the West in the Dark w/ Dr. David Martin           Dr. David Martin's Speech at International Crisis Summit 5 (Washington DC, 2/23/24)

MUST SHARE - David Martin - Exposing the Covid-19 Crimes - Speech in Switzerland   


   Check out this white paper where they war game what we are now living through; ‘Lock Step’: 2010 Rockefeller Foundation White Paper ( go to pages 18-22 ) Laid Out Ominous Scenario on How A Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Down Society With Alarming Implications For Our Post-Pandemic Future  which they are now implementing

Then in 2017 they put out a more detailed plan called World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document and here is more on the same document connecting it

and some of the elites other writings; FLASHBACK: Jay Dyer Revisits SPARS Pandemic 2025 Document  34 min. and now we have documents released as of  1/25/23

original clip New Discoveries Revealed in SPARS 2025-2028 Depopulation Document from 9_22_21 and here is Fauci trying to set up the Military for the Globalist's he works for;

 Pentagon Confirms Fauci Created and Released COVID-1984  and Meet Bill Gates (38 min.) a ringleader for the dark side.

This 6 minute compilation just released The Plan: From COVID-19 to Technocracy on

World Premiere: Died Suddenly  over 20 million views about vax deaths   For those in France; DIED SUDDENLY 2022 (FULL DOCUMENTARY)


The man who wrote our Bioweapons laws lays out the virus in March of 2020; Prof. Francis Boyle Update on Coronavirus Bioweapon (9 min.) and Exposing Mass Genocide with Dr. Zelenko

A talk about the vaccine by Dr. Carie Madej who ran 5 clinics in Atlanta and an industry meeting she attended;  "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World   21    min.

Here are the Perspectives on the Pandemic from The Undercover Epicenter Nurse  actual footage from the heart of a NYC Hospital during the first months(2020) of the plannedemic.

China General: PLA Must Kill All Americans With Biological Weapons & Elite's Depopulation plan in their own words and attend a depopulation conference in SF held in the 1990's

Dr Michael McDowell Discusses the Genetic Bioweapon SarsCoV2 [Video]             Video Emerges of Fauci and HHS Plotting TO Stage Massive Health Scare Using "New Virus"

More Evidence Shows Entire COVID Pandemic And Vaccine Rollout Was Planned Years Ago   

FLASHBACK: Real-Life Bond Villian Bill Gates Brags About Ordering Trump Not to Investigate Covid “Vaccine” Dangers – TWICE    

Pfizer's mRNA nanoparticles are electromagnetic devices per their DoD contract and the FDA. No one agreed to be injected with devices that would kill surrounding cells and tissue when activated by EMF read the relevant parts of the  Contracts, Patents and other related Documents for yourself           4/20/23

Clot Shot Does NOT Contain mRNA? Covid Vaccine BIOWEAPON 100% SYNTHETIC, NOT BIOLOGICAL WHO Whistleblower   21 min.    4/21/23

China Banned Pfizer's mRNA Tech Chinese Citizens Saved From Deadly Shots While FDA Labeled Safe    5/22/23


Get help and info and prescriptions here;       Home | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance          

                              World Coronavirus Cases



                      How to remove Graphene, which is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, from your body    

                  How To Protect Yourself From Covid Vaccine Side Effects With Dr. Lee Merritt    20  min.                   

                  Dr. Kory takes us through the FLCCC's I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment, which can be found here:



                     Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how       

                     Dr. Mercola Article: World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox for Vaxxed People       

                     Found this article  Dr. Bryan Ardis On How to Protect Against the COVID Spike Protein get his free 20 page report here; Dr-Ardis-C-19-Prevention-Cocktail

                 How to Guard Against the Spike Protein Contagion Caused By The Covid Vaccinated by Dr. Judy Mikovits           Dr. Merritt Talks COVID Vaccine Detox

                     If you took the vaccine and you want to live, LISTEN TO THIS          12    min.      


                      COVID-1984 Investigation: Empirical Evidence For Preventative Strategies       

British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain Something we've been Promoting here since last Spring 2020

First randomized control trial shows face masks 'did not reduce' coronavirus infections with 'statistical significance' 11/18/20   Fauci said the same thing over 10 years ago

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms                 Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


       Below are conventional treatments for covid-1984 but this is only the beginning here are remedies from a top French Mystic  Marie Julie Jahenny Remedies for Our Times

        [English Audio] - Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to Come for Those Who are Inoculated


      A look at some of the treatments for Covid 1984 and I know of even more;                                                                                      

                             Doctor Zelenko has Over 99% Success Rate and This is Being Suppressed      from the start of covid-1984   Big Phama hid the cures!    1/9/22

                             Bullet & The Gun - Dr. Zev Zelenko             35   min.           Zelenko Protocols against Covid-19 and Products for treatment or Prophylaxis Protocols

             this is a 2nd treatment/cure I came across (just relinked from back up site after youtube censorship after 20+ million views),

                                Texas Health Task Force Doctor Has Found The Cure For COVID-19        

                                Busingudesonide an MD Discusses What It Is And What Is The Controversy?      56      min        

              Here is a 3rd;


                                Veteran Saves Mother's Life With Chlorine Dioxide: The FDA Hides Alternative Treatments   

             Here is a 4th and there are more     Another Cure Fauci & Gates Don’t Want YOU To Have        

                                DR PIERRE KORY EXPOSES THE IVERMECTIN SCANDAL                         

                                Published science paper reveals exactly how ivermectin blocks viral replication of SARS-CoV-2         

                                CDC Suggests Ivermectin For Afghan Refugees But Not For Americans     3   min.    

                                India develops COVID treatment kit for less than $3 per person with ‘miraculous’ ivermectin

                                Is Ivermectin the New Penicillin? Cases in Delhi, India have dropped 92% since Ivermectin was deployed April 20th       

                                      "I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS": Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing  10    min.     

                                FLCCC Alliance Statement on the Irregular Actions of Public Health Agencies and the Widespread Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin        


A look at the big picture trends for the last  15 months  in these 2 short clips  The Pandemic Is Over: Edward Dowd Joins WarRoom To Discuss Vaccine Data 10  min. 

Edward Dowd Shares Data Findings By Team Showing Bad Effects Of COVID Jabs   8 min.          9/27 

Ed Dowd and Mike Adams deep dive into EXCESS MORTALITY, 2400+ Daily following covid vaccines   51 min.  11/17/22



Free Lawyer's "Vaccine Mandate Protest Letter" for Employers: "The Vaccine remains Unapproved by the FDA... Federal Law Forbids Mandating it, in accordance with the Nuremberg Code..."


a few articles and videos on Vaccines;                                      Blaylock On Vaccines: What You Need To Know For Informed Consent 

                                                                                                        Important: Download Covid Vaccine Religious Exemption Documents Here…     

                                                                                                        How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide

                                                                                                        How to resist COVID jab mandates in Canada — a comprehensive guide

                                                                                                        Read this again, and explain to me why there are not massive criminal charges and Nuremberg-style trials of deathvaxx pushers

                                                                                                        Generic Vaccine Madate Protest Letter:

                                                                                                        Nuremberg Code:

       The deaths have started at historic rates and will continue  Major Life Insurance CEO Admits Historic 40% Increase in Death in (18-64) American Workforce in 2021 (20 min. 1/4/2022), and here

an article from 6/21/2022; Death claims up $6 BILLION: Fifth-largest life insurance company paid out for 163% more working-age deaths in 2021 after covid “vaccines” were unleashed.

Graphs below by retired Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon. This shows the consistency of the Flu vaccine over the years while you can see they are experimenting with us with the Covid-1984 vaccines,

these graphs are presented in this talk start at 49-69 min.

The last graph is the CDC's VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, that shows more deaths last year, 21852, almost 3 times all the previous years combined !!!  (thru  2021)


                                        Tony Fauci used $51 million of US taxpayers' dollars to patent HIV GP120 and engineer HIV GP120 into SARS-CoV-2 spike nanoparticles

                                        TOP VACCINOLOGISTS FAIL TO PRODUCE SCIENCE TO SUPPORT SAFETY    23  min.

                                        DEMONS OF THE MRNA VAX -- Anna Mihalcea, MD, PHD   58  min.  

                                        TRANSFECTION, DEMOCIDE & THE INTERNET OF BODIES -- Dr. Robert Young

                                        Documents Show Government Knew COVID Shot Takes Over The Human Body

                                        N A N O T E R R O R : VAX, SMART DUST & DEPOP -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea

                                        Dr. David Martin Reveals How Global Drug Cartels Control Our Military, Governments & World    63  min

                                        Dr. Alphonso Monzo warns about implications of 5G and self-replicating nanocircuitry on the jabbed masses

                                        Maria Zeee & Dr. Ana Mihalcea Nanobots Inside People Programming Humanity 

                                        BOOM! Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History - Warns Top Doctor     57  min.

                                        Snake Venom, Satan's Spawn & the Corruption of Human DNA w/ Dr. Bryan Ardis  69  min

                                        Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed    4  min. 

                                        C19 SHOTS HIJACK HUMAN DNA FOR WBANs  53  min.

                                        Naomi Wolf On The Vaccine: "There Are Massive Fertility Harms In Women And Men"

                                        New WEF Report Reveals the Global Elites’ Shocking Plan to Enforce “Vaccination

                                        BREAKING! Pfizer’s Secret Vaccine Nanobots to Upload Humans to the Internet  48  min.

                                        Mel K & Karen Kingston | Ties That Bind: Eyes on the China-US Covid Origin Story   55  min.

                                        MUST HEAR: THE BODY AREA NETWORK NIGHTMARE -- Hope & Tivon

                                        THE BUTCHERS: BOURLA & BANCEL -- Dr. James Thorp    55  min.

                                       Graphene Oxide & Heavy Metals are Literally Everywhere w/ Dr. Young & Hazen


                                       THE GREAT SETUP Part 2: How & Who Pulled off the Covid-19 Plandemic

                                       “SELF-SPREADING” VACCINES TAKE A DANGEROUS STEP FORWARD  23  min.

                                       GRAPHENE & NANO TECH: THIS MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE -- Dr. Robert Young  64  min.

                                       "770 Unique Symptoms" - Mind Blowing COVID Vax Data Uncovered   10  min.

                                       Dr. Jason Dean - Globalists Announce AI Tracking INSIDE YOUR VEINS!   59  min.

                                       Gov. DeSantis Officially Served: Immediately Cease COVID Injections 

                                       Study: Covid Vaccines KILLED 14 For Every 1 Life "Saved"   17  min.

                                       Dr. Judy Mikovits |  What Do You Need to Know About "Disease X?" | Why Are U.K. Scientists Developing Vaccine for "Disease X" Before "Disease X" Event Exists?

                                       Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals the comprehensive list of VACCINE INJURY MECHANISMS that explain all the injuries and deaths   50  min. 

                                       BREAKING: Johns Hopkins Wargames Disease X Killing 150 Million People, Collapsing Government

                                       Excess Deaths coming in 2024 w/ Ed Dowd

                                       Dr. Joseph Ladapo: I Am Calling For A Halt To The Use Of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines   14  min.

                                       Uncensored: Russian Study Finds Connection with Nanotech & COVID - Dr. Ana Michalcea   54  min.

                                       Dr. David Nixon & Karl C. - New Nanotechnology Findings Will SHOCK the World! 

                                       BOMBSHELL: New Zealand Whistleblower Exposes COVID Mass Genocide Plan  

                                       WIRED FOR DESTRUCTION - Hope & Tivon 79 min.  

                                       Protect yourself from the Vaxx, Shedding, Long-Covid & ALL future Pandemics    2  min.

                                       The Eternal Dangers Of RNA Vaccines "A Monstrous Crime Against Humanity" by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi  12 min. 

                                       Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Clinicians have found adulterant contamination in Pfizer and Moderna injections"     11  min.

                                       VACCINE JIHAD: Israeli child used for Pfizer’s covid vaccine propaganda DIES of a sudden heart attack at age 8

                                         Dr. Ana Mihalcea - They Have Put Artificial Life INSIDE HUMANS, Legal Action Commences

                                         Karen Kingston - State of Texas Sues Pfizer & NZ Whistleblower WILDFIRE!!!

                                       STUNNING ANALYSIS: WERE OMICRON VARIANTS MAN-MADE?   20   min.

                                         Dr. Mihalcea on Infowars - Silicone, Transhumanism Materials Found in COVID Shots & Brain Hacking

                                    Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston

                                         What's Plasmid DNA? Why's the Cabal Putting it in Food, Water, Air & Vaccines?! Dr. Ardis Interv

                                  Dr. McCullough shares protocol for COVID and detoxing virus spike protein

                                         The DISTURBING Truth About the Vaxx, GMO Mosquitoes, Nanotech & 5G — Dr. Robert Young Interview

                                          Ebola is in the COVID Vaccines! Respected Research Scientist Judy Mikovits Drops Massive Bombshells!

                                          The Intra Body Nano Network Compilation    173  min.

                                          SHOCKING: Here's Proof Pfizer Put Cancer-Causing Agents in Vaccines — Naomi Wolf  

                                         Turbo Cancer, Autophagy & New Hope for the Vaxxed -- Dr. William Makis | PT 2   45 min.

                                          The Incentivized Mass Murder Of Children by Greg Reese

                                         NEW REPORT: SPIKE PROTEIN WORSENS NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES   7  min 

                                          THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 by Dr. Ardis

                                   NEW VARIANTS TRIGGER CALLS FOR RETURN TO LOCKDOWNS  

                                          Dr. Carrie Madej: They're Hiding Natural Ways to Cure Cancer and Detox from the Vax & Shedding  

                                          Karen Kingston Breaks Silence: Government Using Hidden Tech To Terrorize People

                                          Todd Callender: Gov’t Will Trigger Deadly MARBURG Pandemic With 5G… Covid Was a Trial Run  

                                   Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger lays out the horrifying SECRET AGENDA of the UN and WHO - Total enslavement of humanity through a global health dictatorship     57  min.

                                   5G | Doctor Rashid Buttar, Attorney Todd Callender, Karen Kingston

                                   Naomi Wolf Joins WarRoom To Drop Bombshell Report Over FOIA Request Findings

                                   Arizona Angels Unmask the ASU SunDevils with Kristen Williamson    60  min. 

                                   Dr. Wolf: The Establishment Hopes To Rid All Humans Who Disregard Lockdowns And Mandates

                                          Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – More Mass Deaths From Covid Kill Shots Still to Come!       9/1

                                        Dr. Bryan Ardis says SNAKE VENOM PROTEINS in COVID-19 shots behind MISCARRIAGES

                                          Dr. Ana Mihalcea - NEW EVIDENCE - Uninjected Unable to be Mind Controlled? 

                                          Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed  4  min. 

                                          HORRIFYING DISCOVERY IN UNVAXXED BLOOD & TREATMENTS -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea 

                                          Ed Dowd Drops Bombshell Data: Hematological (Blood-Related) Claims Up 522% Above Trend in 2022                7/29

                                          Uncensored: Karen Kingston - BOMBSHELL! We Are Coming for the Bioweapon Pushers!!! Documents & Action

                                          Pfizer & Media Caught Lying About Graphene Oxide: Dr. Ana Mihalcea Proves Fact Checkers Are LIARS

                                   Karen Kingston On Pfizer's Malaria Vaccine Plot: Pfizer Must Be PROSECUTED For Clot Shot Crimes

                                   Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Warning! Cancer Virus Found in Covid Shots 

                                          Dr. Scott Jensen: Medical Journals Are Being Deleted      4  min.

                                   UK Column: Debi Evans: DID PFIZER KNOW? A STARK BUT HONEST WARNING FROM DR NAOMI WOLF          6/29

                                          Dr. Ana Mihalcea - Biden's Universal Nanotechnology Vaccine & "Zombie" Blood

                                          Data Science Expert: The Numbers Don’t Lie… the Vaccine is Killing A LOT of People

                                          Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea - AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology

                                          Dr. Ed Group and Mike Adams explore effective defenses against spike protein SHEDDING and mRNA assaults   50  min.

                                          Accidental Discovery of DNA in Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Raises New Questions        6/9

                                          Excess Deaths, Cancers EXPLODE Across The World - Doctors Baffled 

                                          WHO Whistleblower Reveals Their Dark Agenda… and Its Biggest Flaw — Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger    65  min.

                                   Premeditated BIOWEAPON Developed In 60s: FINAL DAYS Reveals WEAPONIZATION Of Nature AGAINST HUMANITY

                                          Researcher Karen Kingston reveals covid-19 vaccines to be DELIBERATE BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS unleashed against humanity

                                          Babies breastfed by mothers who took mRNA vaccines ARE DYING     

                                          Infants Born With HEART DISEASE: Vaxxed Moms Birthing Babies With DEFECTS & MYOCARDITIS    5/31

                                          Watch The Water II: Closing Chapter


                                         Self Assembly Hydrogel Polymers, Historical Research Context Of Hydrogel Smart Materials And Nano Worms That Rapidly Grow From Nanometers To Visible Size  5/22

                                         Medical Tyranny Explained  16 min.

                                         Covid Criminals Restart Deadly "Research"     36  min.     5/16

                                         Covid Intentionally MUTATED From Common Cold? Covid-19 Timeline Reveals BIOENGINEERING From 1960s

                                         The Great Reset | "(2002) UNC Filed a Patent On An Infectious Replication Defective"         5/9 

                                  FDA & Pfizer Are Baby KILLERS: Pfizer KNEW Shots Caused FETAL DEATHS & SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS                                   

                                  Plasmons and Demons in Graphene - Using Artificial Intelligence, Graphene, Metals and Plasmonic Demonic Fields for Spiritual Warfare

                                         U.K ADMITS JAB IS KILLING Young Adults: Record SURGE In DEATHS Among Young People CATASTROPHIC

                                         GRAPHIC: gruesome post-injection skin diseases continue plaguing people all over the world

                                  mRNA Shots Are Electromagnetic Devices? Nanoparticles In Vaxx KILL CELLS Via ELECTROMAGNETISM?     5/1

                                         Dr. Naomi Wolf: No More Normal Placentas Since Covid-19 “Vaccine” Rollout          4/28

                                        The greatest crime against humanity’ in history: Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents

                                         Clot Shot Does NOT Contain mRNA? Covid Vaccine BIOWEAPON 100% SYNTHETIC, NOT BIOLOGICAL

                                         Top Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Warns Globalists  New Bio Attack / Learn the Secret History of COVID                                        

                                         A Discussion with Dr Ana Mihalcea on Transhumanism and EDTA Chelation  

                                  Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity EXPOSED: Docs Show Pfizer Knew CLOT SHOT Caused HEART DAMAGE

                                         BREAKING: FDA DIRECTLY Involved With Engineering COVID-19 At Fort Detrick & UNC Chapel Hill    22 min. 

                                         Maria Zeee: Ana Mihalcea - Major Chain Grocery Meat FULL of Structures Like VAXX!! Australia & U.S.

                                         Karen Kingston the queen of proof, truth and evidence    128  min.

                                  EXCLUSIVE! WHO Whistleblower CONFIRMS HORROR: mRNA Narrative a Psyop, Shots are NOT Biological     4/11

                                         HOW SWEDEN GOT COVID RIGHT   8  min.      4/9

                                         Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: Injections Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, RFID, Metals, Nano Circuitry 10 min. 

                                         The use of COVID vaccines in Warfare and Transhumanism   47  min.      3/30

                                         Karen Kingston - Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons!!! Globalist Plan for Nanotech Revealed!

                                         GROUNDBREAKING: Dr. Mikovits Exposes the Biggest COVID Secret

                                         Lipid Nanoparticles Drive mRNA Delivery to Placenta and Hopefully No Further       3/27

                                         Dr. Peter McCullough Highlights The Safety Of Nattokinase In Potentially Counteracting Spike Protein Damage

                                         Big Pharma Covering Up DEADLY NANOTECH: Clot Shot Hydrogel Highly Toxic & Contaminates Entire Body  12  min.    3/23

                                         Dr. Francis Boyle: Stop The WHO Health System Takeover! 

                                         MRNA IN BIOWEAPON SHOTS IS FOREVER   55  min.

                                        Must See: Robert Kennedy Reveals that COVID Vaccines Are a Pentagon Project!

                                         Fully Jabbed & Boosted DROPPING DEAD In Britain: New Study Shows English EXTERMINATION In U.K.

                                         DEPOPULATION: British Birth Rate Takes NOSEDIVE! Pfizer HIDES Study On VAX SAFETY For PREGNANT Women   13  min.

                                         SECRET Pfizer DOC REVEALS 2019 Human JAB Trials Pfizer CAUGHT Testing Vaxx BEFORE PLANDEMIC!    9  min.

                                  DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune System Leaving Body COMPROMISED!   19  min   3/7

                                         SHOCKING! 625,000% Increase in Myocarditis Since Vaxx Roll-out — Dr. Peter McCullough Interview

                                         EXPERT: Nattokinase detoxifies covid spike proteins from the body

                                  Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra: How the COVID-19 Vaccines Impact the Heart    59  min.

                                  Dr. Ana Marie Maria Mihalcea warns the Health Ranger about strange blood artifacts in the UNVACCINATED     2/24

                                         Uninjected Have Same Nanotech, Clots, Graphene as Injected with Dr. Ana

                                  PFIZER CEO ASKED—DID YOU TAKE THE VACCINE?    3  min.  

                                        GRAPHENE IN C19 SHOTS   58  min.  

                                        Cancer Rates EXPLODE From VAXX mRNA Spike Protein Found In Center Of Cancer Cells   16  min. 

                                        Hidden Revalations In Pfizer Undercover Video Include The Admission That Pfizer Knew They Were Selling An Expired Vaccine  43 min.   

                                        We Have Been Lied To About Every Part of the COVID Pandemic, says Dr. Michael Yeadon   

                                 Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution'

                                        Contract for Covid Jab "Bioweapon" VERY Strange, Says Expert Karen Kingston     30  min.

                                        KILL SHOT -- KAREN KINGSTON & JAMES TRACY

                                        Dr. Peter McCullough - Sudden Deaths & Cardiac Events EXPLODING, Parallel Health System    56   min.    1/17

                                        DOWD PROVES THE WORLD IS BEING KILLED OFF     20  min. 

                                        A BIOWEAPON MASQUERADING AS A 'VACCINE' -- Karen Kingston  

                                        The Vax is a CCP Bioweapon Targeting the West – Naomi Wolf Interview CLIP   8  min.

                                 FDA Broke Pfizer's EUA Shield: Liability Protection Gone, Time To Bring Down The Gavel by KK   9  min.

                                 FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston     86   min

                                        Dr. Wolf Reveals The WH Had The Incriminating Pfizer Documents Before Emergency Use Authorization   6 min.      1/3

                                        BOMBSHELL: Ed Dowd Reports Of Disability Rate Increase Directly Related To COVID-19 Jab      10   min.    12/29

                                        Shocking VAERS Data Reveals 4070% INCREASE in Miscarriages — Naomi Wolf Interview  37  min. 12/26

                                        WARNING: FLU SHOTS ARE NOW MRNA BIOWEAPONS    52   min.

                                 Tsunami of Vax Deaths in Next Two Years – Dr Betsy Eads    48 min.

                                        FDA Confirms Pfizer Causes Clots! Big Pharma’s Bio-Terrorism Slowly Exposed As People Die Suddenly

                                        Dr. Sherri Tenpenny VITAL INFO on JABS and protocols for HEALING!            52  min.

                                        The TRUTH About Wuhan US Funded Virus Research: Fauci & EcoHealth Alliance Plot NEW Global Plandemic Karen Kingston       12/19

                                        THE VAERS DATA. HOW WE KNOW IT’S RELIABLE with Steve Kirsch

                                        Gene Editing mRNA Tech DEADLY Premeditated Military-Grade Bioweapon Cause Cancer & Disease        12/12

                                       The Situation is Serious, So it's Time for You to get Serious Too w/ Dr. Joe Neusma    69    min. 

                                       It WAS Pre-Meditated Depopulation! mRNA Jab Designed To KILL! Blood Clots Developing In The LIVING!     6  min.     12/1

                                 Karen Kingston on World Waking Up to Fact The Covid Shot is a Bio-Weapon

                                       COVID-19 MRNA Shots | Death Spiral COVID Shots Side Effects     20   min.

                                       Dr. Russell Blaylock: How Vaccine-Induced Spike Proteins Damage the Brain and Cause Cancer       11/23

                                       Prenatal RN Whistleblower SPEAKS OUT: Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Miscarriage Horror, 10X Increase In Fetal Deaths     14   min.  11/20

                                       Covid Vaccines Are Causing Records Number Of Miscarriages While Doctors Continue To Recommend To Pregnant Women     10  min.   11/11

                                       Genetic Engineering Bioweapon EXPOSED: Nano-Structures In The Death Jab     13   min. 

                                       UNCENSORED: Karen Kingston - People Now Connected to the Demonic Realm Through COVID-19 Injections, Nanotech     60   min.     11/1

                                       HORRIFYING: Big Pharma’s Secret Plan EXPOSED: All Vaccines To Soon Use LETHAL mRNA Technology   

                                       PROOF: The TRUTH About Quantum Dot Technology: Chinese NanoTech EXPOSED In mRNA Jabs    15   min.

                                Karen Kingston uncovers patents revealing "cognitive action" spike protein structures in vaccines                               10/27

                                       Maria Zeee & Dr. Rima Laibow - WHO Plans to Vaccinate Everyone with 500 New Vaccines by 2030  

                                       Watch This Before Your Next Clot Shot!

                                       Part 1: PROOF COVID Is A PARASITE; Biotech Analyst Has PROOF COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic Parasites     20  min.

                                       Part 2: PROOF COVID Is A Nano-weapon PARASITE; Biotech Analyst Has PROOF COVID & Vaxx Are Biosynthetic Parasites     11   min.

                                       FL Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Explains Groundbreaking mRNA Study       10   min.

                                       Lipid Nanoparticles, Created By CCP And Present In Covid Vax, Are Changing Human Beings At The Core       10/10

                                Dr. Jane Ruby: PROOF: DOD Using 100’s of Pharma To Scale Up Mass Genocide Against Americans

                                      OBGYN Confirms Post-Vaxx HORRORS: Calcified Wombs, Infertility, and Miscarriages SURGE, Depopulation Event Imminent    19  min   10/4

                                      Dr. Naomi Wolf: mRNA Found In Breastmilk Given to Children, Babies Experiencing Side Effects    12  min.   

                                       Uncovering The Depopulation Agenda: Purple Heart Veteran EXPOSES Dark Truths Of The DEADLY Mandates    9   min.    10/1

                                Entire Family MAIMED By Covid Shot: Generational Bioweapon Damage and Death DESTROYS Family    17  min.     9/30

                                       Naomi Wolf: The American Medical Association Lied To Pregnant Women About The Covid Vaccine's Effect on Them and Their Baby    6  min.   9/29

                                       Uncensored: Australia's Blueprint for the Next Planned 5 Global Pandemics

                                Covid Jab Is a Bioweapon, says Former Health and Human Services Advisor to Trump

                                Documentary tells story of man’s COVID jab-induced, ‘phenomenally dangerous’ illness

                                       Dr. Judy Mikovits sounds the alarm on EXPLODING cancer rates courtesy of COVID vaccines      9/22

                                      Cancer Rates EXPLODING After Death Jab: Dr. Mikovits Sounds Alarm On Mass Depopulation Happening NOW

                                      Shot Shaming Continues More research for vax propaganda      9/19

                                      Who Was Behind Operation Warp Speed? Congress, Biden & Obama Plotted Mass Bioweapon Scheme Years Ago   15   min.  

                                      SMOKING GUN: THE COVID VAX IS A SCHEDULE 4 POISON -- Tim Truth

                                Exclusive! Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Covid-19 Warning     69  min. 

                                Govt Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Reports Linked to COVID Vaccines

                                     The Internet of Bodies | Karen Kingston Shares the Patents That Prove The ENTIRE The Internet of Bodies | Karen Kingston Shares the Patents That Prove The ENTIRE Intra-  Body-Nano-Network-Administered-Through-Vaccines

                                     Patent PCR Test Linked To Human Cloning Video Shows Animal Experiments, Cross Species Genetics

                                      Dr. Kelly Victory & Dr. Pierre Kory - Overwhelming Vaxx Deaths, Treatment for the Vaccine-Injured, & More!     73   min.      8/25

                                     Exclusive Horrific Images: Circuits In Covid Jab Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self Assemble

                                Pfizer Shot Killed 44% Of Pregnancies In Trial: Court-Ordered Report Exposes Mass Murder       8 min.           8/19

                                      Patent PCR Test Linked To Human Cloning Video Shows Animal Experiments, Cross Species Genetics

                                      Experimental Vaxx Rollout Of The Flu, Monkeypox, And Ebola Set To Deploy

                                      NYC Forced to Close Infant Vax Sites Due to "Lack of Demand"       8/17

                                      Dr. Victory - Overwhelming Evidence of Global Depopulation 

                                     Exclusive Report: Athletes Around World Confirmed Dead By Vaccine      8  min.            8/13

                                     RAW - 40% Increase In Deaths After Covid Vaccine - San Diego TV Reports     9    min.             

                                     Dr. Wolf: Pfizer Used ‘Dangerous Assumptions, Rather Than Research’ In Covid Vax Development      8/8

                                     Meet the secret COVID unit behind Trudeau's vaccine travel mandate

                               Canadian Vaxxed Doctors Dropping Dead After 4th Booster Mandate    9   min.        8/4

                               Official Government Documents indicate Authorities are using Monkeypox to cover up the fact the COVID-19 Vaccines cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome   7/28

                               The Battle between Light and Darkness: An overview of the Narrative and how they contradict fact and science Dr Buttar    70   min.

                                     Australia: The More “Vaccines” You’ve Had, The Sicker You’ll Be            7/23

                                     Shedding Confirmed – The Jabbed Are “Vaccinating” The Unjabbed

                                     Information Worth DYING FOR and Treatments| Dr. Brian Ardis and Dr. Rashid Buttar

                                     Blood Transfusions: Spike Protein Danger: Concerns About Giving And Receiving Jab-Infected Blood and Treatments    12   min.    7/22

                                     MALONE, URSO, KORY: “STOP VACCINATING”      37   min.              7/20

                                     CDC “System Upgrade” Deletes 52K Death Reports      18   min.   7/19 

                               Naomi Wolf: The CCP Has Infiltrated The American Health System, Covid Injections Produced By CCP

                                     Virologist tells BMJ the Hepatitis of Unknown Cause killing Children is due to AstraZeneca Viral Vector COVID Vaccine in combination with Lockdowns     7/16


                                     Dr. Naomi Wolf - Grand Jury Trials in Oregon Commencing! Worldwide Fight for Freedom 

                               Pfizer petitions court to dismiss whistleblower lawsuit because government was fully aware of fraud when agreeing to work with company      7/12

                                     HOW DID THE COVID VACCINE GET APPROVED FOR KIDS?

                                     Effects of the COVID Jab - Interview with Dr. Ryan Cole

                               Vaccine Response To COVID-19 Was Pre-Planned: Authors Of New Book, 'The Courage to Face COVID-19'       7/6

                               FDA Approved Pfizer's IND Protocol to Not Disclose Death in Trials, Including Babies and Toddlers Karen Kingston        19   min.     7/1

                                     Dr. Peter McCullough: Lipid Nanoparticles, mRNA, PEG Assault Natural Conception, Gestation, and Birth         6/27

                                     BOOM! Vaccine Mafia Emails Exposed!       106    min.       6/25                     

                                     BOMBSHELL: Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children

                               Dr. Toby Rogers: 'Moderna And Pfizer's Data Is Terrible'   9 min.

                                      Clots in COVID-Cadavers and Crystalline Mysteries in Vials Likely Explain Vaccine Death and Injury

                                      Dr. Clare Craig vs CDC director // EUA amendment request for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Children and babies  7 min.     6/24

                                      Dr. Naomi Wolf On New 'Targeted Gene Editing'     9   min.        6/23

                                      Judy Mikovits Shocks The World: Most Damning Covid Evidence Bombshell The World Has Seen

                                      FDA “approves” COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies despite Study proving it causes Children to suffer Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease     6/21

                                      Scientists Confirm COVID Vaccines Contain Nanostructures Colonizing In The Human Body      42   min.

                                      Poisoned Human DNA To Cause Suffering For Generations  26 min.

                                      Vaccine was on the way BEFORE Covid was confirmed – Part 1        6/16

                                      COVID VACCINE INJURIES OVERWHELM COURTS      8   min.

                                Exclusive: Moderna FOIA Bombshell Males Will Be Sterile            6/15

                               Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures     6/14

                                     CEO Of Major Health Insurance Group Warns OF Covid Vaccine Aids

                               Bombshell Proof: CDC & DOD Plotting To Use 5G & Monkeypox As Weapon Of Mass Destruction    

                                     Naomi Wolf: FDA Turned A 'Blind-eye' Towards 'Thousands Of Adverse Effects'     4   min.      6/9

                               Two Official Studies Proves Link Brain Disease and the Experimental COVID-19 Jabs    6/7

                                     The Jab, Variants and Venom with Dr. Buttar   6  min.  

                                     Dr. Wolf: '28% Of Vaccinated Pregnant Women' Suffered From 'Serious Adverse Effects'   11 min.        6/3

                                     Dr Judy & dr Tau Braun part 2  Bioweapon Shots Are A Form Of Riot Control   30  min. 

                                     Karen Kingston - Monkeypox, VAIDS, WHO Global Enslavement & Future Lockdowns     63   min.         5/30

                                     Dr. Naomi Wolf: Moderna Dumps 30M Doses; Vaccine in Pregnancy and Lactation    15  min.       5/27

                                     Dr. Buttar Interview with Robert Scott Bell         5/24

                                     WORLD PREMIERE: Conference of Conscience - Australian Doctors Finally Speak Out! Part 1     89   min.       5/21

                                     An 8 minute intro then Dr. Buttar Drops the Bombshell     31   min.

                                    “Effective”? Latest CDC Data Shows FULLY Vaccinated Children Have Higher Covid Infection Rates Than Unvaccinated Children       5/19

                                     DATA REVEALS STAGGERING AMOUNTS OF VACCINE INJURY       11    min.     5/18

                                   Calif. Senate passes bill that lets kids get healthcare without parental consent

                                     Big "PHARMA-CIDE" Government Coercion & CDC Fraud Pfizer Prevarications & Natural Immunity       5/17

                                     Top 7 “COMPLICATIONS” linked to Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J COVID gene mutation injections

                                     What the Hell Is In the Flu Shots? Influenza "Vaccine Injuries made Unprecedented Jump in 2020"      10    min.       5/13

                                     Germany Admits Covid 'Vaccine' 40 Times Deadlier Than Previously Known

                                     The vaccine fatalities are kicking in: PHS database shows newborn baby deaths surpass critical levels for second time in seven months     5/11

                                     Dr. Wolf:COVID Vaccines Shocking Results Concerning Pregnancy 

                                     Pictures and Videos of Snake Venom Peptides in Bioweapon Shots      5/9

                                     Naomi Wolf: The Pfizer Report Update      6 min. 

                                     Dr. Wolf On The FDA's Late Restrictions On Covid Vax's     9    min.    5/6

                                     Stunning video by Canadian doctors shows how Pfizer committed massive fraud during COVID-19 vaccine trials

                               VAIDS starting to be reported by NIH: "Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs”     5/3

                                     Moderna is Coming For Your Babies: Big Pharma Seeks FDA Approval For kids 6mo-4yrs      8   min.        4/30

                               Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine had a shocking DEATH rate of 3.7% during early trial – but the FDA approved it anyway      4/28

                                     Overwhelming Evidence of Vaccine Injuries

                                     Panic in Boris Johnson’s UK as Fully Vaccinated have a higher Covid Hospitalisation-Rate than the Unvaccinated      4/27

                                     COVID Vaccine Side Effects in Children and Youths      11   min.

                                     COVID Vaccines Provide Meager Benefit to Young Kids, CDC Report Shows - Media Gets It Wrong Again        4/25

                                     Dr. Wolf: The Continued Uncovering of the Pfizer Reports 

                               Analysis of Offical Government data finds Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of Death due to All-Causes and in All Cases      4/20

                               TOO MUCH TO IGNORE: COVID vaccines cause 16,633% more miscarriages compared to flu vaccines       4/19

                                      Nitric Oxide, the Bioweapon Miracle: Fight Blood Clotting, Myocarditis Caused by Jab & Shedding        4/17

                                      PHARMA SNAKES: Thirteen irrefutable FACTS about snake venom, Big Pharma and biological weapons            4/16

                                      Detoxing & Surviving their Next DEADLY Attack with Dr. Jana Schmidt

                                      Truth Bombshell: 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude that Ivermectin is a powerful, highly-effective anti-cancer drug         4/12

                                     Pfizer’s Own Documents Show Deathvax After All

                                     Corona Investigative Committee Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny   60   min.     4/11

                               VAERS data analysis reveals that numerous new health problems are caused by covid “vaccines”

                                     Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide                       4/8

                                     Gene Editing Converts “Vaxxed” To Human Property

                               “Vaccines” Are Delivering Payloads For Mass Genocide and Dehumanization

                                     Dr. Phillip Altman - The Fraud of the TGA & Corruption of the Australian Health Authorities      38   min.      4/6

                                     Julian Gillespie: Covid "Vaccines" Being Injected into The Population Are Not the Same as Those Trialled Before Approval       4/4

                                     Gene Editing Converts “Vaxxed” To Human Property     20  min.      4/2

                                    Ivermectin Caused '90% to 100% Reduction In Hospitalization'

                                    Exposed: HHS Issues "Genome Editing Guidance": FDA's Premeditated Plan For Gene Editing      10   min.      3/29


Dr. Shelton & Sue Grey - EVIDENCE of Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections

                                    Never Before Seen Pfizer Docs, 666 Wuhan/Pfizer Facility, Depopulation & more w/ Whistleblower pt 1      39    min.

                              Never Before Seen Pfizer Docs, 666 Wuhan/Pfizer Facility, Depopulation & more w/ Whistleblower pt 2        31     min.

                              The Cures Act: Long-Calculated Plan to Mass Murder the American People                                                                  3/25

                              Big Pharma Whistleblower Warns Food Will Be Used As Vaccines     21    min.

                              Pfizer Worker Knew About Covid Attack: Doctor Knew About Covid, Says "Far More is on the Way"       3/23

                                    800,000 Lives Could Have Been Saved with Ivermectin and HCQ – Dr. Pierre Kory        75   min

                                    Idiotic VAX Mandates and The Actual Origin of the COVID Virus with Karen Kingston        32   min.     3/21

                                    Pharma Analyst Whistleblower Karen Kingston On Shocking Medical Industrial Complex  

                                    VACCINE MAKER IMMUNITY DOESN'T COVER WILLFUL MISCONDUCT     26   min.

                                    CDC Data: Excess Deaths of Millennials from Covid Jabs Rival Vietnam War US Death Count     3/18

                                    Pfizer Exposed: Worldwide Evidence of Big Pharma Parasites

                              Karen Kingston - Injections Transforming Humans, Biden to Inject All Kids, & Ukraine Biolabs    3/16

                                    Pfizer Whistleblower Warns New Data Proves Vaccine Is Bioweapon  

                                    Dr. Jane Ruby - WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC - Stop Getting Vaccinated IMMEDIATELY - SHOCK Images     49    min.     3/11

                                    Perverting God's Creation: Study Shows Jab Alters God-Given DNA   

                              Proof: Covid Jab is Gene Editing Technology Global Human Experiment Was Never a "Vaccine" 

                              Dr. Responds to Pfizer Data: 'Biggest Evil I’ve Ever Seen, We're Mass Producing A Deadly Poison'       3/10

                                    Smoking Gun: Moderna Patents in 2016 Prove Engineered in a Lab           3/8

                                    The vaccine agenda: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny exposes the lies spread by government about COVID and vaccines

                                    Mel K & The Amazing Dr. Zelenko Must See Interview On Saving Humanity & Health Sovereignty       3/7

                                     I Am Brook Jackson   insider whistleblower

                    Doctor Ardis: COVID Vaccines are Eugenics and Need to be Brought Before Court of Law     24    min.     3/4

                                    Johns Hopkins U Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test Without Knowing     3/1

                                    Weaponized Viruses Exposed: Mind-Blowing Discovery About HIV, SARS, & Marburg 

                                    Compared to flu shots, covid “vaccines” are 11,361% more likely to cause a stroke          2/25

                                    Mel K & Dr Bryan Ardis On The Global Medical Killing Fields & Crimes Against Humanity

                                    Pfizer's Dirty Secret: U.K. Health Authorities Hide Death Rates of Children     10   min.           2/23

                                    Dr. Ben Marble: They Have Already Dosed Half the Planet with Slow Acting Lethal Injections 

                                    Here’s hundreds of studies proving that COVID-19 jabs do harm

                              Warrior Lawyer Tom Renz On DHS Assault, Public Trust & Shocking Vax Horrors Data     2/18

                                    TYRANTS & DEATH MERCHANTS -- Dr. Zev Zelenko  


                                     VAIDS: Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Infecting Vaxxed Worldwide       17    min.         2/15

                                     Cancer Exploding in the Boosted                2/12

                                    Yuval Noah Harari: Humans are now HACKABLE ANIMALS thanks to vaccines

                               5G & NANOTECH IN THE COVID JABS

                                     Pentagon DMED Whistleblowers Expose Vaccine Holocaust                                    2/11

                                     Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

                                     Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice   19   min.

                                     Pfizer admits in confidential document that COVID-19 vaccine causes Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (same thing as Antibody Dependent Enhancement)    2/7

                                     British children up to 52 times more likely to die following a COVID shot: gov’t report

                                     400,000 Vaxx Abortions: Military Data Confirms 300% Increase in miscarriages    13    min.

                              Doctor Rescuing Hospital Victims, Physically Removing Patients From Deadly Captivity     11   min.      2/4

                                    Molecular Biologist Sona Pekova: The 'Vaccinated' Are More Likely to be Sick from Omicron (Video)        

                                    Embalmers Discover Horror: Dr. Ruby Exclusive: Arteries Filled With Rubbery Clots          10   min.      1/29

                                    Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors for to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response 38 min. of 4+ hours.

                                    Bioweapons & Killing Fields: U.S. Government Leads World in Calculated Genocide     12    min.      1/28

                                    COVID Vaccines a Spectacular Failure, Data Show         1/27

                                    Alberta government deletes data showing that 56% of “unvaccinated” covid deaths are actually NEWLY VACCINATED deaths      1/27

                                    Karen Kingston PROOF the Vaccines were Created to KILL Children!!!  part 2

                                    Karen Kingston SHOCK DARPA Docs & RECEIPTS Fauci Funded Gain of Function - Vaccines are a Bioweapon  part 1     1/26

                              Did mRNA Vaccines Kill All Test Animals?

                              Why is Covid-19 Vaccination of Children an Unforgivable Sin       4  min.

                              REVEALED: UK Statisticians Find Massive Death Spike During Covid 'Vaccine' Campaigns                1/25

                              Scientists continue to discover strange objects in COVID-19 vaccines             1/21

                              Karen Kingston PROOF the Vaccines were Created to KILL Children!!!  part 2

                              Karen Kingston SHOCK DARPA Docs & RECEIPTS Fauci Funded Gain of Function - Vaccines are a Bioweapon  part 1     1/20

                              MIT Scientist Concerned About COVID Vaccine Effects on Brain      3   min.    1/18

                              More Scinetists Discover Strange Objects in COVID "Vaccines"             1/17

                              Government Studies Reveal Mass Death Increase Following COVID Injections         1/15

                              Pfizer Forces Big Tech to Delete Video Where CEO Admits Jabs Offer "Limited Protection"

                              CDC Whistleblower Drops Nuke: Deadly Bioweapon Lots Targeting Specific Groups         16   min.  

                              Evidence: No Vials Are Safe, Full Stops: Terminate Covid-Injection Program Now         1/12

                              BOMBSHELL: German Doctors Find 'Astonishing' Impurities in Covid 'Vaccine' (Video)          1/11

                              Dr. Zelenko - [DS]/Big Pharma Hid The Cures From We The People,Choice Has Been Made, Collapse      66   min.  1/10

                              Adolescent Jab Injuries Explode: Pfizer Trial Numbers Reveal Horrific Teen Data        10   min.      1/8

                              Mel K Welcomes Physician Warrior Dr. Richard Bartlett On Killing Covid Fear    51   min.    1/7

                              Doctor Explains Covid Vaccine Mandate Exemption Available For All      20  min.

                              Bioweapon Nanocensors: Dr. Ariyana Love Exposes Horrific Ingredients In Clot Shot     1/5

                              Dr Zelenko Warns Of COVID Vaccine Mark of the Beast System

                              New studies show that the beastly jab damages your immune system, likely permanently         1/3

                              Bodies Pile Up As Undertaker Hits Red Alert         8    min.

                              BREAKING: FOIA Confirms Jab is Deadly: Pfizer, FDA Caught Hiding Bioweapon Deaths        12/31

                              The BBC won’t tell you that 4 in 5 Covid-19 Deaths in past month were among the Triple/Double Vaccinated      12/30

                              SHOCKING: Compilation of Nurse Whistleblowers from Around the World Warning About COVID Vaccines   12/29

                              THE OMICRON CON -- Dr. Zev Zelenko          48  min.    

                              WATCH: ‘Face the Nation’ Correspondent Stuns Fellow Panelists Into Silence, With Truth About Covid Policies Harming Kids 


                              Pfizer and Moderna Thawed: Warmed Vials Become "Alive" Self-Moving Organism

                              mRNA Vaccine Inventor Issues Warning To Parents: Do Not Give Children ‘Unproven Vaccines’ That May Permanently Damage Organs, Reproductive System, Immunity  12/24

                              Study: COVID-19 vaccines found to weaken the immune system, increase risk of developing cancer

                              Criminal Global Corporations Waging War Against the People with Deadly Injections and Medical Martial Law       12/23

                              Covid Effectively Eradicated In Population of 241 Million, Only 16% Jabbed, Big Media Silent  

                              Karen Kingston | Are Unvaccinated Americans A Threat to National Security      41     min.          12/20

                                    Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early

                              Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Reviewed- Interview with Dr. Pierre Kory      90   min.     12/17

                              Fully vaccinated mom gives birth to baby bleeding from mouth and nose dies day after, says VAERS report

                              Fauci Patent: Vaxxed Induced Aids, Biotech Analyst: HIV Glycoprotein 120 Contained in Vaxx                         12/16

                              New Normal: Dead Babies, Vaxxed Moms Delivering Injured, Dead Babies      11  min.     12/15

                              Patterns in the Deployment of Toxic Covid Vaccine Batches         29   min.

                              We've now killed close to TWICE as many kids from the vaccine as have died from COVID         12/14

                              Areas of Canada with high covid “vaccine” uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths

                              Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early

                              Dr. Zelenko Issues Emergency Warning to the World: 'The COVID Vaxx is WWIII'           12/13

                              Moderna Patent Uncovers Horror: Nanocensor Contained in Bioweapon            12/10

                              Doctor Finds Treatment For Vaxx Victims, Sees Major Improvement in Blood!             12/8

                              Moderna Patent Uncovers Horror: Nanocensor Contained in Bioweapon      12   min.

                              Whistleblower Doctor MURDERED After Exposing Graphene Oxide in Bioweapon Shots!    7   min.

                              ‘WE’RE APPROACHING A MILLION VACCINE INJURIES IN THE U.S.’     17   min.

                              VAXX Spike Proteins Found in the Nucleus of Cells, New Swedish Study Reveals

                              German Doctor Murdered Hours After Exposing Graphine Hydroxide In Vaccines - Watch The Video Here    30    min.      12/7

                              Coronavirus vaccine-induced injuries and deaths are a “public health threat,” warns Dr. Peter McCullough       12/4

                                    PROOF: KIDS WILL DIE, PFIZER KNEW         12/3

                                    Forbes Admits mRNA Alters Human DNA, and Then It Gets Worse    10  min.

                              RED ALERT - Vaccinated Twice As Likely To Die Says British Government Report       12/1

                                 Doctor Sounds Alarm: Stillbirths Explode in Canada      11/29

                             Ticking Time Bomb: Expert Says Bioweapons Injections Are Destroying Immune System      22   min.    11/27

                             Leading Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account for 95% of Severe and 85-90% of New Covid

                             Dr. Stella Immanuel Defies Globalists, Offers Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to Masses      11   min.       11/26

                             VACCINE EXPERT Geert Vanden Bossche PH.D D.V.M WARNS OF COVID VACCINATION CATASTROPHE         77   min.     11/22

                             PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT EXPOSES VAERS: PA FIRED AFTER EXPOSING JAB INJURY COVER-UP         18   min.     11/19

                                   Drs. Joseph Mercola and Peter McCullough: Covid Jab Is Far More Dangerous Than Advertised  

                             Tromethamine: Heart Attack Drug Secretly Added to Pfizer Children’s COVID Vaccines        40   min.

                             POWERFUL INTERVIEW! COVID Jabs are Premeditated First Degree Murder, says Dr. Zelenko                11/16

                             FDA Documents Show Pfizer Secretly Added Heart Attack Drug to Children’s COVID Vaccines       13   min.

                             BOOSTER DANGER: 10 Times More Potent Than First Shots

                             CCP'S PFIZER 5-11YR OLD BEGINS: AMERICA'S CHILDREN WILL BE MARCHED TO VAXX "OVENS"      11/11

                                   Emergency Over: All EUAs Illegal, One Million 5-11 Year Old's Jabbed in 2 Days      14   min.     11/9

                             CDC CAUGHT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS      8  min.

                             ‘DELTA’ DRIVEN BY VAXXED IN NEW STUDY       5   min.

                             Ozone treatments REVERSE blood cell clotting, lumping caused by covid vaccines — striking visual evidence       11/6

                             Dr. Ardis and Dr. Carrie Madej learn from Karen Kingston, what's in It           

                             BREAKING: FDA Approves Emergency Use For 5-11 Y/O Kids, Panel PAID by Pfizer & Big Picture         11/5

                             Major Government Report Proves Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons         10/30

                             DATA MATTERS: Death Rate EXPLODES in "Fully Vaccinated" Victims       9    min.    10/28

                             RECEIPTS! Patent PROVES Vaxx is Obedience Training Platform

                             Jab: Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed After Injection        10/26

                             New Zealand Doctor Explains Why She Is Not Taking The Pfizer Covid-19 Injection – Yet              10/25

                             FDA Announces "Mix & Match" Boosters: DEATH COCKTAIL For Masses!     10   min.         10/23

                             SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents         17  min.

                             Israel study questions COVID-19 vaccine efficacy, reveals stunning degree of HARM caused by vaccines        10/22

                             FDA's War Against the Truth on Ivermectin

                             Four Parasites Found in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

                             DoD Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Monitoring Vaxx Deaths!

                             Dr. Carrie Madej: What I Saw In The COVID Shots Appeared Self-Aware & Superconductive (Video)        10/21

                             EXCLUSIVE | Dr. Stella Immanuel: Vaccinated Must Medicate With Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamins To Survive Winter Wild Virus (VIDEO)         10/20

                             France's long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is "completely stupid" and "unethical"     86  min.

                             Dr. Stella Immanuel: “the Whole Pandemic Was a TROJAN HORSE for Vaccines – Fauci Is Epitome of Evil.”

                             Are covid “vaccines” giving people AIDS? Immune system functions are dropping around 5% EACH WEEK in those who were vaccinated         10/18

                             ‘Fully vaccinated’ 21-year-old personal trainer dies from COVID complications

                             SPECIAL BROADCAST: Dr. Robert Malone On His mRNA Creation        60   min.

                             BOMBSHELL: Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine 'glows,' contains 'toxic' luciferase, graphene oxide compounds      33 min.        10/15

                             Drs. Bryan Ardis and Lee Merritt talk about the coronavirus as a depopulation tool – Brighteon.TV

                             MUST SEE: Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Warning on Therapeutic Nihilism and Untested Vaccines – “Unbelievable Atrocity” Is Unfolding (VIDEO)             10/14

                                  The Technocrats’ Virus                         10/12

                             Dr. Parasite: Peter Daszak      28    min.

                             Big Pharma Pushes Fake Ivermectin That Causes CANCER!     8   min.

                             Pfizer Scientists: ‘Your [COVID] Antibodies Are Better Than The [Pfizer] Vaccination.'

                             Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed       10/9

                             Brief video illustrates dramatic spikes in COVID-19 deaths after jabs in 40 nations

                             IT BEGINS: Sweden Suspends Moderna Vax for Those 30 Due to Heart Inflammation          10/7

                             HighWire’s Del Bigtree Issues Dire Warning About the Science and Animal Trials     47   min.

                             Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines, says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots


                             Retired VP Pfizer ANDEN BOSSCHE & Dr. MALONE: creator of M-RNA technology COVID-19 GIANTS UNITE      54    min

                             Prominent doctor and researcher calls for COVID-19 vaccines to be pulled from the market          10/4

                             Daszak's SARS Evil Explained         4     min.

                             Biological Warfare on KIDS: Mandates Impact Kids Down to Age 6   10  min.

                             NEVER BEFORE SEEN! "Vaccine" Victims' Bodies IN BATTLE!    12    min.

                             Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed       15     min.

                             Whistleblower Provides Govt Data Showing 48,465 DIED Within 14 Days of COVID-19 Vaccination Among Medicare Patients        10/1


                             ‘If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID’ : Insider leaks FDA study            9/30

                             Researcher debunks every falsehood about COVID masking policies

                             Johnson & Johnson Scientists: 'Kids Shouldn’t Get A F*cking [COVID] Vaccine;' There are "Unknown Repercussions"     9    min.

                             BREAKING: Worldwide Call to STOP VAXX NOW! Doctors, Scientists Reveal Findings      13   min.

                             Dr. Ardis: The Medical Industry Is Responsible For ‘Covid’ Deaths and not the CV-1984 Virus    42  min.        9/28

                                   Top Chinese Doctor: COVID-19 Is An Unrestricted Military Bioweapon      

                             This Can Save Your Life! Frontline Doc on How To Treat Covid AT HOME!       39  min.

                             Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines          9/24

                             Dr. Carrie Madej, DO, Internal Medicine Physician, Medical Director and Public Speaker     

                             THE VAX IS HUMAN SACRIFICE -- Dr. Zev Zelenko      49   min.     9/22

                             “I Realized I Was The Guard At Auschwitz” - Healthcare Workers Wake Up To Their Role In Plandemic Deception     15   min.    9/21

                                   FDA PANEL DISCUSSION: “COVID Vaccines Are Killing More People Than They’re Saving”    

                             SCIENTIST SHOWS VACCINE EFFECTS IN AUTOPSIES. DON'T BELIEVE IT? SEE FOR YOURSELF.       13    min.       9/20

                             BREAKING BOMBSHELL: WHO/CDC Docs Prove COVID Vaxx Created Deadly Delta Variant         48    min.

                                   Former War Crimes Prosecutor Lays Out Blueprint to Prosecute Fauci and Co. for Creating COVID-19    47   min.    9/19

                                   Funeral Director – Covid Whistleblower      38   min.       9/17

                                   Dr. Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative

                             ISRAELI STUDY: Fully Vaxxed Are 27 Times More Likely To Get COVID Compared To People With Natural Immunity          9/15

                             Harm to Children 'Irreparable,' EPA Whistleblower Says     

                             Horrific Side Effects Of Getting COVID Vaccine While Pregnant      7   min.            9/14    

                             Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS "Delta" Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital!      14   min.

                             How Americans can resist coronavirus shot mandates – a comprehensive guide         9/13

                             Vaccine Chasing

                             BREAKING BOMBSHELL: WHO/CDC Docs Prove COVID Vaxx Created Deadly Delta Variant    49   min.    9/10

                                 ‘Natural immunity 20 times more protective than vaccines’: mRNA pioneer

                             KILLING BABIES: Death of infant linked to Pfizer Covid vaccine that mother took while breastfeeding

                             EXPOSED! FDA, CDC & WHO is hiding this from you? | Dr Paul Marik FLCCC         43   min.             9/9

                             Warning: Heart Doctor On The Dangers Of COVID Vaccine     38    min.

                             Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Fauci's Cancer Causing Injections    49  min.         9/7

                             Red Cross warns vaccines WIPE OUT antibodies and vaxxed can't donate plasma      1    min.

                             GIANT VICTORY: UK Bans Covid Shots for Children Under 16, EU Bans COVID Booster Shots!   6   min.

                                   Doctor Zelenko: COVID Medical Tyranny is Genocide Against the Innocent                                                             9/4

                             FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public           9/2

                             BREAKING: Inside the Moderna Patent's Devastating Ingredients!       19    min.

                             Former Pfizer VP: ‘The gloves are off,’ UK govt to inject all 12-15-year-olds without parental consent           9/1

                             Medical Dictatorship Announced: Population To Be Forcibly Injected Every 5 Months With Deadly COVID Frankenshots      38   min.

                             COVID Vaccine Shedding Tied To RSV And Polio Like Illnesses In Children        10    min

                              Dr. Peter Breggin Warns the World: COVID-19 Vaccines are a Bioweapon & Their Plan.                     8/31

                              GLOBAL BOMBSHELL: Japanese Govt. Confirms COVID Vaccines Contaminated with Metal     9  min.        8/28

                             Robert Barnes: FDA Approval of COVID-19 Vaccine Is A Scam      45   min.      8/27

                             SMOKING GUN: Fauci Admits COVID Vaccines Can Trigger Death     19   min.

                             Pfizer's $15 Million In Political Donations Buys Them Medical Tyranny And FDA Approval    25   min.

                             Whistleblower 45,000 Deaths From Covid Vax Is Closer To 200,000     30   min.

                                   Dr. Lee Merritt, former US Navy surgeon, warns of catastrophic vaccine risk to active duty soldiers          8/26

                             FDA Approval Illegal! Doctor Reveals Pfizer Insert Proves Criminal Regulation Violations!.

                             THE VAX IS WORKING: 13,068 AMERICANS DEAD. TIME FOR BOOSTERS! -- Dr. Richard Fleming     24  min    8/25

                             Dr. Sean Brooks Warns Vaccinated Will Die Soon       3  min

                             Covid-19 Vaccine Program Director Admits Injection Destroys Immune System                          

                             Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon with Reiner Fuellmich: “How can people believe this narrative?”  Genocide???       4  min.

                             Damaged river levee in Shaanxi causes flooding; Second round of heavy rains strike central China        23   min.             8/24

                                   Soaring: European Union Reports 1.9 Million Vaccine Injuries, 20,595 Deaths                             

                                    Up To 62% mRNA Vaccinated Show Evidence Of Blood Clotting

                             Just 1 in 1.7 Million Children Died with Covid-19 in 18 Months, Whilst 1 in 9 Suffered Serious Adverse Reaction       8/23

                             Doctor Zelenko: COVID Medical Tyranny is Genocide Against the Innocent       41   min.

                                  Lab founder shows damage COVID jab’s spike protein inflicts on vital organs     17 min.


                             Dr. Fleming Warns COVID-19 is an Engineered Bioweapon Colonizing the Body with Spike Protein suggests treatments             8/21

                            Injured by the COVID shot? These are some 'real treatments'       12   min.

                                 Best video yet of the Australian Covid scam – get it out urgently     8   min.

                                  Compilation: Doctors Warn The World Of COVID Vaccine     42    min.             8/19

                                  THE WAR HAS BEGUN. WAKE UP!!! -- Dr. Carrie Madej      50    min.


                            Learn the History Behind the Medical Tyranny Lockdown Lies

                                 Official CDC Battle Plan: Mobilize Civilian Force to Lock Up Healthy People in Labor Camps        8/18

                                 Former Pfizer VP Latest Message On Covid Vaccines - Everyone Must Listen!   20  min.

                           BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Whistleblower Confirms Covid Injections are Poisonous Bioweapons        8/16

                           The Early Treatment Revolution         6   min.

                           LISTEN: DEMONIC EUGENICIST TELLS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEPOP (at 33 min) VAX       48  min.

                           REPORT: FDA Issues “Black Box WARNING” to Jabs, SERIOUS Heart Issues Explode in Number         21      min.        8/15   

                           STUDY: mRNA vaccines present “tragic and even catastrophic” side effects

                           Dr. Richard Fleming warns the “vaccine is the bioweapon” in bombshell interview with Mike Adams    40   min.      8/13

                           A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated     6   min.     8/11

                           Trumps Dr Vladimir Zelenko Talks to Israeli Politicians and Health Minister about Vaccine    30  min.

                           How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?     1  pg  article

                                Health Ranger interviews Dr. Judy Mikovits on Fauci's covid crimes not his first "plandemic"           8/10

                               Dr. McCullough: Five key facts about COVID     3   min.

                                Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated              45   min.          8/7

                           Covid 19, a Plan Decades in the Making, Part 1: The Patents          8/6

                           Plandemic 2: Indoctornation        75    min.

                           Next Phase is Mandatory Shots!        4     min.               

                           Dr. Madej: Pull All Children From Public School NOW!      29   min.

                           Medical Whistleblower Reveals Hospitals Are Filled By Vaccine Injured        17     min.

                           Canadian Hero Demands Whole Virus Proof & Frees Alberta From Covid Restrictions!   17  min.

                           First Autopsy of Someone Vaccinated for Covid Finds Spike Proteins in Every Bodily Organ       8/5

                                The Rude Awakening with Judy A. Mikovits, PHD     starts at  6  min.           8/4

                          Fun with math: Pfizer and Moderna just contracted to supply the European Union with 2.1 BILLION more ClotShots. EU population? 446 million. 2100/446 = 4.7 doses per person at  current population levels

                          By June 1st, over 99% of Gibraltar's population was fully vaccinated. Since that time, new COVID cases per day have increased more than 2500%.

                               Dr. McCullough Confirms The Media Is Hiding Dangers Of Getting Vaxxed       21   min.

                               Deadly Blood Clots Develop In 62% of People Receiving COVID Vaccine       33  min.                  8/3

                          America’s Frontline Doctors Lawsuit Part 2: Vaccines are Untested, Unnecessary and Dangerous            7/26

                          Doctor Exposing Massive Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths Gives Update on Lawsuit     40   min.      7/24

                          Covid-19 Vaccine Program Director Admits Injection Destroys Immune System      33    min.

                         US Senator Says 84% Of New COVID Cases Are Those That Are Fully Vaccinated        7   min.         7/23

                         DR CARRIE MADEJ – COVID19 ‘VACCINES’ NANOBOT TECHNOLOGY         7   min.

                         AMERICAN HORROR STORY: UNVAXED BLOOD VS. VAXED BLOOD -- Stew Peters         21      min.        7/21

                         Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage                7/17

                         MUST WATCH: “Vax Longhaulers” are fighting back, need your help… epic, tragic testimony to be seen and shared      7/16

                         Mercola: Moderna Had Specific COVID-19 mRNA Shot Ready in 2019 BEFORE Pandemic Was Announced

                         Dr. Ardis Exposes Deadly Dangers of Fauci's Covid Protocols                 7/15

                         Official Gov't Data: 5400% Increase in Women Who've Lost Their Baby as a Result of Having the Covid-19 Vaccine                  7/12

                         Professor Dolores Cahill - Over 1.6 Million Injuries From Vaccines In Europe          7/11

                         Top Doctor: COVID Vaccines Killing Babies in First Trimester at Astonishing Rate                7/8

                        LinkedIn deletes account of mRNA vaccines inventor for warning about risks of COVID-19 shots        7/5

                        "IT'S A BIOWEAPON." -- Dr. Richard Fleming 

                        French Government Considers Making COVID Vaccine Mandatory for Everyone Aged 24-59

                        Family doctor BLOWS THE WHISTLE on “extreme side effects” of Moderna vaccine, explains how the “vaccine is quite clearly more dangerous than COVID-19”      7/4

                        DEPOPULATION ALERT: Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions”         7/2

                        RESEARCH: Dandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptor       6/29

                        Vials & Thugs & Spies, Oh My!     38     min.                6/26

                        Behind the Vaccine: Doctor Cites ‘Whistleblowers’ Inside CDC Who Claim Injections Have Already Killed 50K Americans       6/23

                        Oil & Gas Industry Planning To Replace Vaccinated Personnel in the next 3 years      4    min.      6/21


                        Oil And Gas Industry Recruiter Reveals Industry Looking To Replace 50% Of Workforce Due To Vaccine Injury/Death           6/18

                        Dr. David Martin: Rough Ride Ahead, But Humanity Will Prevail!


                        VAX GENOCIDE: Covid Vaccine Proven POISONOUS         17     min.                6/8

                        French Nobel Laureate Says “No Chance of Survival” For Vaccine Takers       6/4

                        The FBI Should Raid Gates and Fauci Says Top Biological Weapons Lawyer        6/3

                        Ivermectin: The Drug That Cracked COVID             6/2

                            "Death Toll Exceeds a Million in Chinese Vaccine-Reliant Latin America"

                           Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’               6/1

                       The Coming COVID Catastrophe                                              

                       1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Join Together and File Lawsuit to Prosecute the “2nd Nuremburg Tribunal” Against Corona Fraud Scandal           5/31

                       Renowned doctor reveals government concealing “unprecedented number” of vaccine deaths

                       Frontline Nurse Explains The Lies Of COVID And The Dangers Of The Vaccine      30   min.       5/26                 

                       Full analysis: Vaccines confirmed to be efficient extermination weapons… all human beings have the right to resist in self-defense       5/25                    

                            Frontline doctors file motion to stop FDA authorization of COVID vaccines for children             5/24

                       CDC Cover Up Hiding More Than 1 Million People Will Have Adverse Effects From COVID Vaccine    19  min.

                       Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Covid Shots Start Genetic Process That Is ‘Like Having an On Button With No Off Button’        5/21

                       SMOKING GUN VIDEO: Fauci Project Manager Confesses to Creating Covid-19      

                       The Coming COVID Catastrophe World renown vaccine specialist, Geert Vanden Bossche, interview risking his reputation and his career by speaking out against Covid19 vaccines 5/14

                       57 leading scientists, doctors, public policy experts call for immediate halt to DeathVaxx programs              5/10

                       Bombshell Salk Institute science paper reveals the covid spike protein is what’s causing deadly blood clots… and it’s in all the covid vaccines (by design)     5/8       

                       Senior NHS Whistleblower: Covid & Vaccine Policies = Genocide… STOP!               5/6

                       America’s Frontline Doctors: COVID-vaccinated can ‘shed’ spike protein, harming unvaccinated

                       Israeli People Committee's Report Find Catastrophic Side Effects Of Pfizer Vaccine To Every System In Human Body         5/4

                       Dr. Ruby: Vaccine Causes Permanent Genetic Transformation  

                       Pfizer Document Admits Adverse Effects Found In People Around Vaxxed Individuals               5/3

                       Former Pfizer VP: Vax passports may lead to ‘totalitarian control’ of ‘entire population forever’            

                       Vaccine Shedding Causing Miscarriages and Blood Clots in Unvaccinated Females            4/30            

  Pfizer admits in its own mRNA jab trial documentation that non-jabbed people can be ENVIRONMENTALLY EXPOSED to the jab’s spike proteins by INHALATION or SKIN CONTACT.     4/28

                       PROOF: Bill Gates Putting Implantable Chips In Vaccines           50   min.

                       Famous Harvard-trained psychiatrist calls for ‘moratorium’ on COVID vaccines

                       Canadian doctors blast COVID lockdowns as an ‘unforgivable assault’ on humanity            4/16


                       TV personality who boasted of being vaccinated, pressuring her mom to do the same dies after receiving jab         4/12

                       EXCLUSIVE - Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

                       Dr. Karladine Graves Delivers a Detailed Explanation About What Makes Covid Vaccines so Dangerous           4/8

                       Ex-Pfizer VP Says Experimental mRNA Vaccines Could be 'Used for Massive-Scale Depopulation'      4/1

                            Nearly half of healthcare workers have declined coronavirus shots             3/31

                            Author of Biowarfare Treaty on Vaccines: We Are Fighting a 2-Front War           42    min.

                            Smoking Gun Document: Crimson Contagion Shows Bill Gates Blueprint For “COVID” Launch          3/18

                       Netherlands Halts Use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

                       Ireland suspends AstraZeneca' coronavirus vaccine amid reports of blot clots in recipients

                       Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits MRNA Alters DNA - DC Dirty Laundry            3/15

                           Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called 'Covid-19 Vaccine'    45  min.       3/10

                       Johnson & Johnson to test COVID vaccine on infants   psychotic criminals and they face no accountability

                       Tanzania ‘has no plans to receive vaccines for COVID-19,’ health minister says        3/4              

                            Whistleblower: 25% of residents in German nursing home died after Pfizer vaccine

                       MEDICAL SHOCKER: Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer      3/3

                       Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: researchers    

                       Dr. Carrie Madej The Gene Code Injection – An Experiment On Humanity?         33   min.   

                       France considers slowing vaccine rollout for hospital staff, with over 20% unable to work following the jab        

                       Doctors expose untested COVID vaccines, warn of ‘cascade’ of harmful effects and deaths

                       'Covid-19 Vaccine is Killing People' says Ivy League Medical Doctor      30    min.

                            MUST SEE: CDC Admits Massive Number Of Old People Dying After Taking COVID Vaccines    

                            Top Medical Inventor: COVID mRNA “Vaccine” Not A Vaccine

                       Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about the CV19 vaccine - Jan. 2021

                       Respected Doctor and Bioweapons Researcher on Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid    30  min.

                            Dr. Carrie Madej Discussion with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny        59  min.

                       A talk about the vaccine by Dr. Carie Madej;  "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World        21    min.

                       Look Whats In Your COVID-19 Vaccine       5   min.

                       Dr. Francis Boyle Darpa's Biowarfare Weapon Vaccine Will Kill People                                                

                       CEO of Biotech Firm Confirms mRNA Vaccine Dangerous Bioweapon         9  min.

                       Top EU Scientist Warns COVID-19 Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women    56  min.

                       60-Day Study Suggests Covid May Cause Significant Damage to Male Fertility


                       Scientists Warn COVID is Reducing Fertility: Sperm Concentration Reduced by 516%, Mobility by 209% and Cell Shape Altered by 400%

                       Infections Same/Dramatically INCREASE in Top 2 Chi-Com Virus-Vaccinated Countries — Alarming Late-Term Miscarriages as Well

                       The UK government admits that covid vaccines are pointless and offer zero protection

                       Frontline Doctors: Experimental vaccines are ‘not safer’ than COVID-19


                                                    I have just gone thru and checked the you-tube links and found other sources for blocked ones again as of;    2/4   2021


                                             ER Doctor and Advanced Trauma Life Support Professor: 'I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19. We are being Deceived and Manipulated    3/15

                                                      A promising treatment for COVID you’ve likely never heard of             2/25

                                                      Part 1 of 3- PCR Test Danger         13    min

                                             Doctors Link Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines to Life-Threatening Blood Disorder

                                             Israel scientists cure 100% of covid patients with new therapy that mitigates cytokine storm       

                                                     Coronavirus Pt. 6: The COVID Vaccines – part 2 – UPDATED

                                            Coronavirus Pt. 6: The COVID Vaccines – part 1 – UPDATED 2-4-2021

                                                     DR. SHERI TRENPENNY EXPLAINS HOW THE DEPOPULATION COVID VACCINES WILL START WORKING IN 3-6 MONTHS   63   min.       2/10

                                            CDC says only 37% of frontline healthcare workers agreed to get vaxxed… why on earth might that be?

                                                     Uncovering CCP's Scheme to Launch Biological Warfare on the World (Part 4)

                                                     Dr. Fauci Secretly Ordered Chinese “Animal Experiments” With Disturbing Links to COVID Outbreak          2/9

                                                     Why Did Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci Fund the Wuhan Lab?

                                                     A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time

                                                     Peruvian Court Rules That Bill Gates, George Soros and Other ‘Criminal Elite Around the World’ CREATED the “Pandemic”       2/5

                                                     EU Parliament forbids obligation of Vaccine, discrimination via Passports

                                                     Merck Stops COVID Vaccine: “Studies Showed People Better Off Catching Virus And Recovering!”                                            

                                                     Nurse Claire checks in: Big Pharma playing both $ide$ – they are now gunning to develop an ANTIDOTE

                                            to $ave you from the immune $y$tem over-reaction from the poi$on quaccine.

                                                     Infections Same/Dramatically INCREASE in Top 2 Chi-Com Virus-Vaccinated Countries — Alarming Late-Term Miscarriages as Well      1/30

                                            24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections        1/29


                                            YouTube Censors Over 500,000 Videos to Protect Globalist COVID-19 Hysteria Narrative

                                            FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug ivermectin can kill the coronavirus within 48 hours, reports new study        1/19

                                            Anthony Fauci Promoted Hydroxychloroquine As Cure To COVID… In 2005!       5   min.     1/16

                                            What Virus? Thousands Gather in Streets of Wuhan, China for Packed, Close-Proximity New Year’s Celebration While NYC & London are empty   1/4

                                            Doctors tell Senate they're attacked for saving COVID patients

                                            Experts: Send Vitamin D Open Letter to World Governments Helps Against Covid-1984                 12/23       

                                            Trump COVID-19 adviser Scott Atlas urges Michigan to ‘rise up’ against Whitmer’s new restrictions         11/17

                                            Justin Trudeau's COVID-19 detention centres: What you need to know     13   min.

                                            The Candace Owens Show: Dr. Stella Immanuel         36   min.

                                            Dentists: ‘Mask Mouth’ Can Lead To Strokes, Heart Attacks         11/16

                                            Update: Nearly 45,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Opposing COVID Lockdowns   now over 54,000 & 740,000 people as of 2/4/21

                                            Banned from YouTube America's Frontline Doctors Hold 2nd Summit in DC    42   min.         10/25

                                           Another  Successful Covid Doctor SILENCED by Federal Trade Commission         47   min.            


               These Two Charts Should Land Dr. Fauci in Prison

               The Key to Defeating COVID-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It        8/30

               This Doctor Just Ended The Career of CNN Medical Experts And that of Fauci        6 min.         

               “You’re Misstating What I Said!” – Yale Physician Who Supports HCQ Treatment for COVID-19 Shuts Down CNN Hack (VIDEO)         

               Front Line Doctors Speak Out ON COVID Cures and Misinformation           45   min.

               Global HC Q studies. PrEP, PEP, and early treatment studies show high effectiveness

               Yale epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci running 'misinformation campaign' against hydroxychloroquine            

               Too Much To Hear!!!!! This Doctor Just Ended The Career of CNN Medical Experts And that of Fauci         6     min.   

                 Yale Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine Could Save 100,000 Lives If Widely Deployed        

               Hydroxychloroquine REFERENCES and Studies

              Dr Carrie Madej,M D Shares Her Expertise Urgent Appeal Regarding CV19 Upcoming Vaccines       

              Overreliance on ventilators led to coronavirus deaths, study shows

                 Dr. Stephen Smith: COVID-19 Patients Died Because of Bogus Lancet Study that Disparaged Hydroxycholorquine (VIDEO)   

              Does the cure for covid-19 already exist? Andreas Kalcker interviewed about chlorine dioxide as a lifesaving therapy for humanity        

              An E.R. Doctor Infected With Covid-19 Back At Work After Using Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pak Protocol    8  min    

                 NYT Magazine Publishes Hit Piece on Renowned French Doctor Who Identified Inexpensive Cure for Coronavirus – Top Critic Linked to Gilead and Remdesivir

              Coronavirus survivors' plasma kills 99% of virus in COVID-19 patients      

              Another Dr. Speaks out on the CV HOAX     13  min.          blocked by youtube have not found a replacement

              Dr. Zelenko Has Now Treated 699 Coronavirus Patients with 100% SUCCESS RATE Using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Z-Pak     3/30

              STUNNING! NY Doctor Vladimir Zelenko Finds 100% Success Rate in 350 Patients Using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc     3/23

              Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win todays battle against COVID-19?     5/14    

              Two California Emergency Room Covid doctors may start revolution with calm, science/data-based questioning of extreme measures   55 min.      4/27

              World Awakens, Zinc is the Arch Enemy of Covid-19           13   min.     

              Coronavirus: A French Disaster  

              Hydroxychloroquine: A New Low for the Liberal Media        4/17

              39 Elderly Texans Successfully Complete Hydroxychloroquine Treatment for Chi-Com Virus

             Las Vegas Couple in Their 80s Who Were Infected with COVID-19 Say Hydroxychloroquine Saved Their Lives (VIDEO)

             Nearly 800 Doctors Petition Trump for ‘Right to Try’ Hydroxychloroquine            4/13

             FLASHBACK: Dr. Fauci Downplayed Hydroxychloroquine 2 Weeks Ago — Now Considered “Most Effective Therapy” for COVID-9 by Global Survey of Doctors

             TRUMP’S MIRACLE DRUG: French Study of 1,000+ Patients Including Seniors See 98% Success Rate with Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin Regimen

             LA Doctor: Chi-Com Virus Patients Go From ‘Very Ill’ to ‘Symptom-Free’ in 8 to 12 Hours Using Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc

             An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors finds that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine has been deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus   4/4

             Novartis intends to donate up to 130 million 200 mg doses by the end of May, including its current stock of 50 million 200 mg doses    3/20

             FYI  the American regimen runs from 10-20 pills, the French is 20 pills so that is enough for 6 million cases, but remember that this drug helps

            the Zinc enter the cell which inhibits replication and also the binding. Some use add azithromycin also known as Zpac or all 3. Dr. Zelenko uses

            all 3, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Z-pac. There are several other options but are not as inexpensive and some are more invasive like intravenous

            Vit. C and most importantly their numbers are not better than the Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Zpack, combo. I have listed. Of course that is the

            problem, money they want to make a lot more and set up mandatory vaccinations and IDs for everyone. They are coming out with hit pieces to

            discredit the results, knowing that most people only read the headlines, but I actually read the studies where you can see that they do not use zinc

            and also in most cases are using higher doses of Hydroxy. or a different drug Chloroquine and then reporting some side effects. Also in the Some

            of the French tests they will only give it to the very sick instead of giving it to them before they are hospitalized, Coronavirus: A French Disaster

            Here is a great documentary to understand Big Pharma and Big Medicine and Government collude with each other to get their way;

              they took this off youtube but I found another site      Full BURZYNSKI Movie: Cancer Is Serious Business ...  


No one can deny that the Chinese lied about the severity of the outbreak along with the WHO head as their lackey and here is some

info on his background;  WHO's Tedros Adhanom Should be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity     14   min

 So what the hell are we dealing with? Multiple strains of weaponized Corona virus. Here is the evidence from Dr. Francis Boyle who

wrote our Bioweapons law in 1989 which was adopted internationally; Prof. Francis Boyle Update on Coronavirus Bioweapon       9   min.          

Because of coming investigations into Nursing Home deaths the CDC quietly updated the covid death #s;

                          SCAMDEMIC: CDC Admits Only SIX PERCENT of COVID Deaths Had COVID As The Only Cause              

COVID-19: “For People Younger Than 45, The Infection Fatality Rate is Almost 0%” – Stanford Professor    

Breaking: States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate      17     min.   

WHO inadvertently admits that vaccinations won’t work against coronavirus

YouTube CENSORED: DOCTORS IN BLACK / PlanDemic       26  min.         

The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus      54   min.   

Chinese Coronavirus Is a Man Made Virus According to Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montaganier

BOMBSHELL: Taxpayer-funded NIH funneled $3.7 million to Wuhan virus research lab believed to have engineered the coronavirus bioweapon

Why are we paying communist China to conduct research on biological weapons?

Ebola – Fauci’s other fraud                   42    min.             

Fauci, Birx and Redfield - Army Virus Bioweapons Plan | George Webb                   52      min.

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – cites Gates’ twisted ‘Messiah Complex’

Lock Bill Gates Up!          12   min.


Where and when did this start? That is one of the main questions that we are trying to find the answer to.

What actions were taken by the various players after the release? Who benefits?  There are 3 main players

China, U.S. and the Globalists, within the U.S. are Globalists who use our country to further their agenda. The

Globalists want a war between the U.S. and China. The Chinese want to rule the World and have been set up

by the Globalists to replace us, but the Chinese will double cross the Globalists as they come into power. I have

been trying to wake up people for decades to how the World works. I was talking with a group of college kids

and 1 of them stopped me and asked; "Why are you giving your country away?". I smiled and said when you take

over a country you control the education, media, entertianment, churches, government and every aspect of life

Just like we have been warned many times from many sources, like; Military-Industrial Complex Speech,  1961 .

But there are millions of us who are awake and we are waking up more everyday so what are the geopolitics and

globalist angles?

         China Launches Biological War Against The West, More To Come        35  min. excellent talk on the subject

General Chi's Secret Speech to CCP Elites Now We Have A Nasty Wuhan Soup: A Recipe for BioWar?

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Whose Bioweapon Is It Anyway | George Webb            32   min.            4/24

Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Claims Coronavirus Came From Wuhan Laboratory, Contains HIV Inserts       4/23

Why are we paying communist China to conduct research on biological weapons?     article

Fauci Virus: Shocking new evidence proves covid-19 began with Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIAID 

INSANE! Wuhan Bioweapons Chief Runs Facebook Censorship          25  min.                     4/18

Fauci and Redfield's Real Russia Connection at Fort Detrick          39    min.         3/17

Pentagon Confirmed: Wuhan Research Facility is Biowarfare Weapon Factory          38  min.       4/17

Communist China Comes Clean - Admits To Wuhan Covid-19 Program - Then Blackmails N.I.H.       92  min.          4/13

We Are Being Played       45   min.

Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Crimes Against Humanity      19   min

NATO’s Dark Blueprint for Virus VaccineVaccine Warfare | George Webb          23   min. 

Gen. Spalding: How China’s Communist Party Uses the Pandemic to Expand Global Influence         41   min

China Begins Mass Deletion Of Online Research On Coronavirus Origins

American Intelligence Media a deep dive into viruses and the geopolitics involved excellent talk on a British connection    70 min.

if you do not want to hear the big picture and the cure starts at 56.10+

Viral Marketing        26  min.    a look at event 201 which ran a drill for a coronavirus outbreak on Oct. 18, 2019 which is unfolding now

We Are Being Played - Introducing PEPFAR & Birx          45   min.  

We're Living in 12 Monkeys  70 min. 3/17/20 MIT report what they have rolled out and what the long term plan is after a 10 min. intro the plan is reviewed


 A timeline;

    Dr. Martin has researched the history for over 20 years with the Anthrax attacks in 2001 and SARS pandemic of 2003 he has the patents, the players and their plan which he has been warning about for almost 20 years about what is now unfolding around us. Along with a report he put together at least listen to the first 30 minutes;  There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic - Dr David Martin with all the Patent #s and PLAN Here is the PDF file with all the research;  The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier

‘Lock Step’: 2010 Rockefeller Foundation White Paper Laid Out Ominous Scenario on How A Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Down Society With Alarming Implications For Our Post-Pandemic Future go to page 18   which they are now implementing

There is research that the first cases were showing up in late October and November;

Oct. 18:    2019 Military World Games began in Wuhan the same day as Event 201, October 18, 2019

                Event 201 is a simulation of a corona virus pandemic 1 of the major donors was Gates Foundation

                                  Viral Marketing from Event 201 Conference     26   min.

Why it matters: A study published in March indicated that if Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95% and its geographic spread limited.

This timeline, compiled from information reported by the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the South China Morning Post and other sources, shows that China's cover-up and the delay in serious measures to contain the virus lasted about three weeks. Which I am adding to they are in Arial type mainly in the beginning and the end;

      Nov.  17  First Covid-19 case happened in November, China government records show - report

      Dec.  1  However, a study, by Chinese researchers published in the Lancet medical journal, claimed the first person to be diagnosed with Covid-19, was on 1 December 2019

             (a lot of earlier) and that person had "no contact" with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.

      late Dec.  Taiwan Says It Warned WHO About Coronavirus In December, But Warnings were ignored

      During my research I came across Chinese neighbors saying they watch for what the Chinese are censoring and trying to silence to to know what to look for it was in

      1 of the documentaries on the Scamdemic sorry I did not make a note of it.

Dec. 10: Wei Guixian, one of the earliest known coronavirus patients, starts feeling ill.

Dec. 16: Patient admitted to Wuhan Central Hospital with infection in both lungs but resistant to anti-flu drugs. Staff later learned he worked at a wildlife market connected to the outbreak.

Dec. 27: Wuhan health officials are told that a new coronavirus is causing the illness.

Dec. 30:

Dec. 31:

Jan. 1: Wuhan Public Security Bureau brings in for questioning eight doctors who had posted information about the illness on WeChat.

Jan. 2: Chinese researchers map the new coronavirus' complete genetic information. This information is not made public until Jan. 9.

Jan. 7: Xi Jinping becomes involved in the response.

Jan. 9: China announces it has mapped the coronavirus genome.

Jan. 11–17: Important prescheduled CCP meeting held in Wuhan. During that time, the Wuhan Health Commission insists there are no new cases.

Jan. 13: First coronavirus case reported in Thailand, the first known case outside China.

Jan. 14: WHO announces Chinese authorities have seen "no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus."

            WHO Omits Pro-CCP, ‘Human To Human Transmission’ Lie From It’s Own Coronavirus Timeline

Jan. 15: The patient who becomes the first confirmed U.S. case leaves Wuhan and arrives in the U.S., carrying the coronavirus.

Jan. 18:

Jan. 19: Beijing sends epidemiologists to Wuhan.

Jan. 20:

Jan. 21:

Jan. 23: Wuhan and three other cities are put on lockdown. Right around this time, approximately 5 million people leave the city without being screened for the illness.

Jan. 24–30: China celebrates the Lunar New Year holiday. Hundreds of millions of people are in transit around the country as they visit relatives.

Jan. 24: China extends the lockdown to cover 36 million people and starts to rapidly build a new hospital in Wuhan. From this point, very strict measures continue to be implemented around the country for the rest of the epidemic.

        Jan.  31      After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune

      Feb. 2 +     Also in many major US cities with Democratic politicians promoting the Chinese New Year celebrations

      Feb. 2      US implements travel ban from China, News outlets and Democrats complain      

      March 17th MIT report what they have rolled out and what the long term plan is after a 10 min. intro the plan is reviewed   We're Living in 12 Monkeys    70    min.  

      March 19:  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the common malarial drug hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19      

      April 10:    media and Democratic leaders still downplaying hydroxychloroquine and zinc combo even though there are 1000s of success stories

      April  16    FINALLY: Trump Lays Out Three-Phase Plan To Reopen Economy  which was ignored

      April  22    Two California Emergency Room Covid doctors may start revolution with calm, science/data-based questioning of extreme measures   55 min.


                  Qui Bono      Who benefits ?

What happened to the yellow vest protesters in France?

What happened to the Hong Kong protestors?

a few questions put forth by internet sleuths;
Pelosi Delivered Impeachment Article Same Day as First US COVID-19 Case
Why was it fast-tracked in House?
Why did [Pelosi] hold until Jan 15th?
[what was the ‘release’ marker?]
Public: time to neg Senate witness/process?
What if ‘impeachment’ was meant to fail?
What if ‘impeachment’ was meant to distract from overseas developments?
What did ALL US MEDIA focus on during ‘impeachment’ process?
How do you TERMINATE POTUS rally(s)?
How do you TERMINATE POTUS econ gains?
How do you TERMINATE POTUS unemployment gains?
How do you TERMINATE POTUS-CHINA trade neg?
How do you TERMINATE
[BIDEN] debates?
How do you TERMINATE
[BIDEN] public appearances?
How do you TERMINATE
[BIDEN] live interviews?
How do you TERMINATE
[Hunter-BIDEN] Ukraine/China MSM coverage?
How do you ALTER POTUS-
[BIDEN] P_debate structure?
How do you HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for National ‘ballot harvesting’ law adopt?
How do you appease radical left ‘knowing’ SANDERS drop out coming?
Regain power by any means necessary.


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