Big Sky Free Press
Here are a couple of sites on Education Teacher of the year in New York John Taylor Gatto: Schooling is not Education -
The Ultimate History Lesson - John Taylor Gatto 78 min. Part 1 of 5 Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, # 2 in Education Dept. lots of free information
videos; Charlotte Iserbyt: The Subterfuge of America - ... Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World ... over 150,000 views
DOWNLOAD PDF TRANSCRIPT: Charlotte Iserbyt: America’s Road to Ruin Secret History of Western Education
In Sickness & In Hell 16 min. a historical look at our healthcare system
VACCINE Archive last update 8/6 Covid-19 Archive vaccine injury awareness league Dr. Sherri Tenpenny's website
Vaccination detoxification - How to remove heavy metals and other vaccine toxins
Chlorine Dioxide--a basic guide to get started. 25 min.
Chlorine Dioxide: Banned, Censored & Feared by Big Pharma w/ Jonathan Otto 92 min.
How can we cure Cancer - The Cure has been known since the 1930’s.
Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right 17 min. insights into the cancer issue
Killing Cancer w/100% Natural Products Top 10 FUELS for CANCER Monsanto: a history
Top GMO Researcher GMO 2.0: What It Is & How It Threatens Our Existence w/ Jeffrey Smith
Health Basics: What is Aspartame?
10 outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the near future
Click here to learn more about and watch Cancer is Curable NOW.
Food chart with their benefits
Check out the Gerson Tapes program at:
100 Years of US Medical Corporatism
The History of Health Tyranny: Codex Alimentarius, part 1
Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed video 15 min.
If You Can’t Beat GMO, Join GMO Monsanto Nation: Exposing Monsanto's Minions
In the video 2nd link, by Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has been working with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two Akha women about the forced Tetanus vaccine and the resulting miscarriages.
Poison Tap Water Here is a photo of an actual bag from a water treatment plant.
Calgary removing fluoride from water supply
Documentary exposes fluoride truth: Industrial waste passed off as medicine
"Today almost 60 percent of the U.S. population drinks fluoridated water, including residents of 46 of the nation’s 50 largest cities," reports Scientific American's Dan Fagin.
Professor Paul Connett: Your Toxic Tap Water
10 Facts about Fluoride Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual
Perhaps the most notable study was conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullenix Ph.D., a highly respected pharmacologist and toxicologist, who in a 1995 Forsyth Research Institute study
Dr. Connett has researched fluoride over the last few years and has produced Fluoride: A Statement of Concern
FIRE WATER: Australia’s Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace
Jeffery Smith Top GMO researcher interview GMO foods exposed
A conspiracy to spread genetic food?
Health Related Articles Archive
FOUNDATIONS --------------------------------
founders; President,
Major General Albert (Bert) N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Retired)
Medical Director,
Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
Health Freedom Threats: Codex, FDA, Vaccinations, GMOs
Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. Dr. Blaylock has written and illustrated three books. The first book was on
the subject of excitotoxins (Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills) and how they are related to diseases of the nervous system. His second book,
Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, covers the common basis of all diseases, nutritional protection against diseases of
aging, protection against heavy metal toxicity, the fluoride debate, pesticide and herbicide toxicity, excitotoxin update, the vaccine controversy, protection
against heart attacks and strokes and contains a new chapter on omega-3 fats. This book has been newly revised as an oversized paperback.
His third book, Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients,
Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, a Chicago physician and author of Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate, available at the
Alex Jones's Store. Dr. Eisenstein has taken up the cause of protecting the public from government
and big pharma schemes to vaccinate millions of people, including children, for the hyped H1N1 flu pandemic
this autumn.
Mike Adams is no stranger to traditional Western medicine. The son of a Pfizer contractor and a clinical trial tester for some of
America's biggest pharmaceutical companies, Mike grew up using prescribed pharmaceuticals, trusting doctors and believing
what the FDA reported was safe and in the best interests of the country. All that would change when Mike was faced with his own
personal health emergency, and the pillars of medicine he once trusted came crumbling down before him.
List of links to health professionals;
******************************************************************************************************* Dr. Joel D. Wallach
is a veterinarian, naturopathic physician, author and lecturer who played a major role in the development of the market of liquid vitamin - mineral supplements. He became nationally known through his widely distributed audio tape, "Dead Doctors Don't Lie". Periodically, critics question his background and some of his views. The present account specifically analyzes some of the objections raised in the Third Edition of the Medical Resource Manual (First Image, Inc.), 1997 pp. 74-75.
Natural Health, Natural Living, Natural News
Barbara Loe Fisher is Co-Founder and President of the National Vaccine Information Center. Complete Bio
The Center for Food Safety is
national, non-profit, membership organization,
founded in 1997, that works to protect human health and the environment by
curbing the use of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic
and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS has nearly 200,000 members
across the country. On the web at and
CREDO Action has 2.2 million members across the U.S. who fight for progressive
change and raise money for organizations like Food Democracy Now and Rainforest
Action Network. Since 1985, CREDO and its membership have donated over $65
million to progressive causes.
Food Democracy Now! is a grassroots movement of more than 250,000 American
farmers and citizens dedicated to reforming U.S. food and agricultural policy to
improve farmer competition in the marketplace, protect our environment and
promote organic and sustainable food for all.
Food & Water Watch works to ensure the food, water and fish we consume is safe,
accessible and sustainable. So we can all enjoy and trust in what we eat and
drink, we help people take charge of where their food comes from, keep clean,
affordable, public tap water flowing freely to our homes, protect the
environmental quality of oceans, force government to do its job protecting
citizens, and educate about the importance of keeping shared resources under
public control.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an internationally known authority in the ------------>
overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing.